We're Having a 2nd Emmy's Sold Out Stash Bash!

We're Having a 2nd Emmy's Sold Out Stash Bash!

Emmy Blakely

BREAKING NEWS! We have decided to have another exciting Emmy's Sold Out Stash Bash this coming Tuesday, January 7th starting at 5pm PT!

This means two things:

  1. We are canceling the New Fanatic Forum. Instead, we will plan to spend some time during the Huddle Wednesday morning going over the Fanatic Website and answering your questions there. 
  2. WE'RE GOING TO HAVE SO MUCH FUN ON TUESDAY NIGHT! It will run very similarly to how the last one did. We will have three bundles available for purchase that all will include one sold out nail. As orders come in, we will be showing the customer two sold out nails, they can choose one of those OR choose to take a gamble on a mystery third set. 

We have one asset available now in This Week's Assets folder. Monday at 5pm PT we will add assets for the three bundles that will be available during the sale. I will also post some videos to out TikTok feed today and tomorrow with more details.

Let your customers know that they can register now to be notified by TikTok 10 minutes before we go live.

This is the link to register:  


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