VIP Bingo Night

VIP Bingo Night

Emmy Blakely

Last October we held our very first VIP Virtual Bingo Night, and it. was. AMAZING. VIPs registered to attend and we sent them a blank bingo card and asked them to fill it in with some of their favorite Hello Love nail designs. We had a giant drum full of nails, and as we pulled out a nail, they marked off coordinating spots on their cards. We had also told them that if they were wearing one of the nails on their bingo card in a space that was part of their BINGO, then they would get a bonus prize.

We expected it to be a fun evening.

We expected to give away some good prizes. 

We expected VIPs to be wearing some seriously mixed manis to increase their chances at nabbing a bonus prize. 

What we didn't expect was this:

Sirena not only made her own FABULOUS, FANTASTIC board, but she also had a different nail on every single finger. She didn't stop there though... check out those toes! 20 different nails.

We can't wait to plan our next VIP night... stay tuned!

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