How to Size Your Press On Nails
How to Apply Your Press On Nails with Glue
How to Remove Your Press On Nails Applied with Glue
How to Apply Your Press On Nails with Nail Stickers
How to Remove Your Press On Nails Applied with Nail Stickers
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Troubleshooting FAQs
What if I'm experiencing pop-offs?
This can be caused by a few different things.
Maybe you didn't prep your natural nails correctly. If your hands and natural nails aren't clean and dry before applying your press on nails, you can experience early pop offs.
Maybe you didn't size your press ons correctly. Wearing press on nails that are too small or too big can both cause early pop offs. Review the sizing video above to make sure you sized your press ons for the best fit.
Maybe you didn't apply your press on nails correctly. Each step in the application process is important. If you skip steps or do them out of order that can cause early pop offs. Review the application videos above to make sure you didn't miss any steps or do them out of order.
If you sized, prepped and applied your press on nails correctly, you may need to try a different application process. Try out the other application processes in the videos above and see if a different method of application works better for you.
What if my natural nails are damaged after removing the press on nails?
Damage after removal is almost always from not removing your press on nails correctly. Make sure that you are patient during removal and following the videos above. If you're using glue, soak as long as needed for the press on to release gently. If you're using stickers, make sure to release the sticker from the tip of your natural nail before gently lifting your press on nail off.
What if my press on nails are cracking?
You are likely wearing sizes that are too small. When you push down too hard to make a press on fit, the pressure can cause hairline cracks in the plastic. Once you hit your press on nails on something those hairline cracks can cause large splits or cracks. If you're experiencing cracking, try sizing up your press on nails.
What if my natural nails are green after I remove my press on nails?
If you remove your press on nails to find areas that are green, there's a few things that could have caused this.
Maybe your natural nails weren't dry enough when you applied your press on nails. Nail dehydrator insures you remove all the moisture from your natural nails before application. Try using nail dehydrator or applying more coats.
Maybe you didn't get a good seal. If you don't get a good seal between your natural nail and the press on nail, because of improper sizing or improper application, water can get trapped between your natural nail and the press on. Review the sizing and application videos above to make sure you followed all the steps correctly.
Maybe you wore your press on nails for too long. We recommend up to 2 weeks of wear. While you could potentially wear our press on nails for far longer, we recommend removing them at 2 weeks or less to insure you aren't experiencing any issues under the press on.
What if the tips are thin and flimsy?
Your press on nails are likely on upside down. The cuticle side is thinner, so that you can get a flush fit that won't cause hair snags. The tips are thicker, so they are more durable to prevent them from bending, breaking and cracking. If the tips are thin and flimsy, that is the cuticle side. The top has a number on the back. Look or feel for that number to confirm you're putting on your press on nails right side up.
What if there is a gap between the press on nail and my natural nail?
The most common cause is you likely sized your press on nails too small. If the press on nail can't lay flat against your natural nail, there will be a gap between your nail and the press on. Try sizing up.
If your press ons are sized correctly, the gap could be from your natural nail being flatter than the curve of the press on. This is the most common on thumbs, but can happen on other nails as well. The easiest solution is to use a sticker to fill in the gap and a dot of glue to hold the press on more securely against your natural nail. Another solution is to size up the press on and file down the sizes until it fits.
What if I am in between sizes?
There's two simple solutions for being in between sizes.
You can apply with stickers. Stickers allow you to wear a larger size if needed. If you use stickers and feel like the press on isn't secure enough, try sizing up your sticker or adding a dot of glue between the sticker and press on nail or both.
You can file the sides to customize your fit. If you prefer to use glue, you can file the sides of the larger press on nail until it fits properly. Make sure to check the fit multiple times while filing to make sure you don't remove too much.
What if my cuticle is more square than the cuticle side of the press on?
You can gently file the cuticle side of your press on nail to square them off to give a better, more flush fit with your natural nail.
Make sure not to apply them upside down. The thinner side is the cuticle side. If it's not fitting properly, gently file it to modify it. Putting the press on nail on upside down will cause the tips to be too fimsy for normal wear.
What if my press on nails are showing wear?
We offer a variety of finishes in our press on nails and each finish varies with how long it can hold up to normal wear and tear. Always make sure to check the listing for care instructions, as some finishes are more delicate and require more care.
If you are experiencing premature wear on press on nails that don't have special care instructions, you may need to top coat your press ons before wearing them. Not all top coats adhere to press on nails. Ours works beautifully and comes in 2 finishes. Review the top coat application video above to learn the best method to protect your nails.